Votes Magically Appear for Liberal Ex-Comedian

Posted by Hans Bader

In Minnesota, votes are appearing, seemingly out of thin air, for the liberal Senate candidate (and onetime comedian) Al Franken. Attorney Scott Johnson says that “the election appears to be in the process of being stolen.”

Incumbent Senator Norm Coleman led in election-day results, but his lead keeps shrinking and shrinking, and is now down to an infinitesmal 200 votes out of more than 2 million votes cast.

For example, a bunch of new votes suddenly appeared in Minnesota’s Mountain Iron precinct. But as Attorney John Hinderaker notes, “Mountain Iron uses optical scanning, so the Coleman campaign asked for a copy of the tape documenting the ballots cast on election night. St. Louis County responded by providing a tape that includes the newly-added 100 votes, and is dated November 2–the Sunday before the election. St. Louis County reportedly denies being able to produce the genuine tape from election night, even though Minnesota law, as I understand it, requires that tape to be signed by the election judges and publicly displayed.”

Minnesota’s Secretary of State, who oversees the election process, was backed by the left-wing groups MoveOn.Org and ACORN. (ACORN has a long history of voter fraud and financial fraud).

In Virginia, Tom Perriello unseated Congressman Virgil Goode by a margin of less than 600 votes. Thousands of college students’ votes resulted in the outcome. Many out-of-state college students chose to vote in Virginia rather than their home state this year, despite the fact that some of them were registered to vote elsewhere, and had received absentee ballots from their home state. Thus, vote fraud may have affected the outcome in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District.

I used to handle voting rights cases an attorney.  So this is especially disturbing to me.

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11/08/2008 @ 12:12 pm | Constitutional & Legal, Personal Liberty, Politics as Usual | Comments

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