I Am Paying for Your Expensive Medicine NOV. 7, 2015 [Ezekiel J. Emanuel] Ezekiel J. Emanuel Continue reading the main story Share This Page YOU may not know it, but you could be on the hook to pay at least $124 this year for a drug you probably don’t take. The drug is a new class of cholesterol-lowering agents called PCSK9 inhibitors. Its cost and how we are paying for it illustrate why we all need to care about not only our own health care bills but also those of our neighbors. And it helps focus the debate about drug prices on two questions: What is the value delivered by the drug, and can that be linked to its price? And how should such value-based prices be implemented? In July, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first of two new PCSK9 inhibitors that lower the bad type of cholesterol, LDL. Studies suggest that they can reduce it by up to 60 percent, compared with a placebo, and reduce it up to 36 percent more than statins and a drug called ezetimibe. However, there are no definitive data on how much these drugs actually reduce heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease. Researchers suggest they might decrease the likelihood of such bad outcomes. For example, one preliminary study found that taking the drug lowered the overall chances that a patient would experience a heart attack or stroke, or hospitalization or death from heart disease, to 1.7 percent from 3.3 percent. The definitive studies will be out in 2017. Drugs like these can help us lead longer, more productive lives. The problem is that the companies producing these drugs — Amgen, Sanofi and Regeneron — announced that the retail price for a prescription would be more than $14,000 per patient per year. The price is particularly steep given that these drugs may need to be taken for the rest of the patients’ lives. How much patients pay directly would depend on their insurance plan. But the high prices insurers will have to pay will eventually be reflected in higher premiums for all of us. According to a recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine by Kevin A. Schulman and his colleagues at Duke, even if the price came down to about $11,000 per patient per year, and only 1.1 million of the roughly 23 million middle-age Americans with high cholesterol actually took these drugs, the bill would be so high that for a typical insurance plan, “annual insurance premiums would increase by $124 for every person” in the insurance plan. The authors point out that “taxpayers will have the additional burden of paying for similar increases in” the costs for Medicare to cover such drugs. The same is true for Medicaid and the Veterans Affairs department. To protect patients, many policy makers and academics are proposing various changes in drug benefit arrangements such as separating out deductible limits for drugs from deductibles for other health benefits and limiting co-pays for these drugs to $100 to $250. These proposals are a good start and necessary, especially for low-income Americans who struggle the most to pay out-of-pocket medical costs. But they will not solve the systemic problem of super-high drug costs. Someone — even if it’s a less than sympathetic insurance company — still has to pay the full bill. A growing chorus is arguing that we should start paying for value in health care. Paying for value is the common-sense idea that prices should be linked to benefits; high prices would have to be justified by high health benefits. What would paying for value look like in the case of PCSK9 inhibitors? We have estimates of the benefits in terms of lowering risks from cardiovascular disease. At what price would those benefits be a good value? In the rest of the economy we let individuals determine value. They decide whether a new gadget is worth the expense when they spend their own money on a television, a car or a smartphone. And in health care many want only patients to determine value. But as these PCSK9 inhibitors make clear, it is not just patients’ perspectives we need to take into account. Patients get the benefits, but all of us are paying the bill. As Dr. Schulman and his colleagues show, the nature of the way we pay for health care — through private and public health insurance pools, which spread financial risk and costs among large populations — means we all pay for an exorbitantly priced high cholesterol drug even if we don’t have high cholesterol and we don’t take the drug. The high costs are hidden in our ever-increasing insurance premiums and taxes. Because we all pay, all Americans have to have a voice in determining value. As the PCSK9 story is making clear, the drug cost debate is now beginning to focus on two questions that are currently unresolved: First, how do we determine value so the perspectives of all Americans are considered? Second, how do we implement and enforce that determination of value? The traditional answer to the first question is to determine the cost-effectiveness of the new drugs by assessing how much they improve the lives of patients measured by quality-adjusted life years (QALY). This is certainly an important measure for patients. The controversy centers on how much we should pay for each additional year of life. Is it $50,000? $100,000? More? In England they have a flexible target, wherein above $45,000 per QALY drugs require an increasingly stronger case for coverage. But even if we use a much higher target in the United States — say, $150,000, which is about three times the median household income — it turns out these PCSK9 inhibitors still fail the value test. The drugs would cost patients as much as $300,000 for every quality-adjusted life year they add. Their price would have to shrink by more than half, to roughly $5,000 per patient per year, to make the $150,000 level. The answer to the second question is just as unsettled. Many people hope that the drug industry will self-regulate, using value-based pricing of its new drugs. But if past experience is any indication of future behavior, self-regulation may be a pipe dream. Recent price increases for generic drugs long off patent and patented drugs in which there is no additional research aren’t encouraging signs. In the United States, government regulation is usually a solution of last resort when industry self-regulation fails. But if insurance premiums keep going up $124 per person because of a single drug, Americans may find it more appealing. Ezekiel J. Emanuel is an oncologist and a vice provost at the University of Pennsylvania. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletter. A version of this op-ed appears in print on November 8, 2015, on page SR9 of the New York edition with the headline: I Am Paying for Your Expensive Medicine. Today's Paper|Subscribe